The Continentals: Neo-Rockabilly-Band der frühen Stunde


The Continentals zählen zu den deutschen Neo-Rockabilly-Bands und Rock ‘n’ Roll-Revival-Bands der frühen Stunde. Seit 1980 ist die Münchner Elite-Combo um ihren charismatischen Frontmann Mike Roth ein gern gesehener Gast auf nationalen und internationalen Bühnen. Hinzu kamen Studioaufnahmen, Radiomitschnitte und Auftritte im deutschen TV sowie die Mitwirkung bei Kino- und Fernsehfilmen. The Continentals gewannen u.a. Preise beim Buddy Holly Song Contest 1996 in Hamburg sowie bei den Country Music Awards (CMA) 2009 in der Kategorie Country Rock. Die renommierte Band tourte mehrfach europaweit als Begleitband für die US-Stars Wanda Jackson, Frankie Ford, Buddy Knox, Janis Martin und Vince Everett. Sie spielten als Anheizer für Carl Perkins, Bill Haley’s Comets, Buddy Holly’s Crickets, die Spider Murphy Gang, The Rattles und Tony Sheridan.

Die Münchner Rocker veröffentlichten bisher acht Alben und liefern live ein heißes, “ganz eigenes” Cross-over-Gebräu aus Rock ‘n’ Roll, Rockabilly, Blues, Surf und Cowpunk. Das Repertoire reicht von stilecht arrangierten Covers bis hin zu eigenen Kompositionen im musikalischen Stil amerikanischer Roadmovies. Auch auf dieser CD sind mit den Songs “Rhythm Of The Glitter Balls”, “I Just Came Back For Christmas” und “Tonight” wieder Originale der Band zu hören.

“I was immediately impressed by The Continentals’ first LP, “For You Baby”, made in 1986. Their style of Rock ‘n’ Roll inspired me, impressed me! Our joint work later on stage and in the studio more than confirmed my first impression.” Ty Tender

Ty Tender & Mike Roth

The Continentals are among the first established German Neo-Rockabilly bands and Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival bands. Since 1980, the Munich-based Elite Combo, with their charismatic front man Mike Roth, have been frequent guests on both, the national and international stages. They have also been involved in studio recordings, radio broadcasts and appearances on German TV as well as participants in cinema and TV films. The Continentals won prizes at the Buddy Holly Song Contest 1996 in Hamburg and at the Country Music Awards (CMA) 2009 in Pullmann City in the category of Country-Rock. The renowned band has toured Europe several times as backing band for U.S. stars like Wanda Jackson, Frankie Ford, Buddy Knox, Janis Martin and Vince Everett. They’ve also played as the warm-up band for Carl Perkins, Bill Haley’s Comets, Buddy Holly’s Crickets, the Spider Murphy Gang, The Rattles, Tony Sheridan and others.

The Munich-based rockers have released eight albums to date and provide at their live shows a hot “completely separate” cross-over-brew of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Rockabilly, Blues, Surf and Cow-Punk. Their repertoire ranges from “stylishly arranged covers”, to their own compositions in the musical style of American road movies. Their original songs “Rhythm Of The Glitter Balls,” “Tonight” and “I Just Came Back For Christmas” can be heard on this CD.

Titel: Tonight
[audio:streaming/FOXCD705/dex311170516.mp3] [spoiler] Titel: Mystery Train

Titel: Driving Home For Christmas

Titel: Red Lights

Titel: Merry Christmas (Duet by Ty Tender & Mike Roth)

Titel: Orange Blossom Special
[audio:streaming/VAMPD007/dex311000701.mp3] [/spoiler]

20 Xmas Smash Hits – “Best Rockin’ Christmas Of Them All” (featuring Ty Tender)
Orange Blossom Special
Wild Rockin’ & Boppin’ X-Mas Edition
Merry Christmas Baby (featuring Wanda Jackson)

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