CD+Download-Album “Best Rockin Christmas Of Them All” von The Continentals. Release date CD: 21.10.2011 release date Digital: 18.11.2011.
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie demnächst hier.
Ein bayerisch-österreichisches Gipfeltreffen zur Christmas-Zeit. In etwa so hatten sich Ty Tender, Österreichs Rock ‘n’ Roll Entertainer Number One, und Mike Roth, der Sänger und Frontmann der Münchner Band The Continentals, das vorgestellt. Die beiden kannten und schätzten sich bereits seit Jahren von gelegentlichen, gemeinsamen Shows in Wien, Linz und München. Ty Tender und Mike Roth trafen sich im Januar 2010 in der “Mozartstadt” Salzburg um neue musikalische Pläne zu schmieden. Ty Tender war ein großer Fan der 1997 veröffentlichten CD “Merry Christmas Baby”, die The Continentals mit US-Stargast Wanda Jackson produziert hatten. Im Laufe des Treffens wurde die Idee eines neuen, gemeinsamen Christmas-Albums geboren, bei der sich beide Künstler die gesanglichen Parts aufteilen sollten. Diese Idee stieß auch bei den Bandmitgliedern der Continentals unmittelbar auf große Gegenliebe. Unter der Produktionsleitung von Mike Roth begannen die Aufnahmen zu diesem Album in München im Sommer 2010 und sollten bis zum Sommer 2011 andauern. Während dieser Zeit wuchs zusammen, was zusammen gehört. Nach dem Motto “Old school meets the wild guys” fügten sich die variierenden Einflüsse aller Beteiligten zu einem Ganzen und es entstand ein bunter Christmas-Mix aus Rock ‘n’ Roll, Rockabilly, Swing, Bar-Jazz und Country-Rock. Gespielt und gesungen mit Herzblut und Leidenschaft.
Im Ergebnis: 20 Xmas Smash Hits – “Best Rockin’ Christmas Of Them All”.
“I was immediately impressed by The Continentals’ first LP, “For You Baby”, made in 1986. Their style of Rock ‘n’ Roll inspired me, impressed me! Our joint work later on stage and in the studio more than confirmed my first impression.” Ty Tender
The Continentals zählen zu den deutschen Neo-Rockabilly-Bands und Rock ‘n’ Roll-Revival-Bands der frühen Stunde. Seit 1980 ist die Münchner Elite-Combo um ihren charismatischen Frontmann Mike Roth ein gern gesehener Gast auf nationalen und internationalen Bühnen. Hinzu kamen Studioaufnahmen, Radiomitschnitte und Auftritte im deutschen TV sowie die Mitwirkung bei Kino- und Fernsehfilmen. The Continentals gewannen u.a. Preise beim Buddy Holly Song Contest 1996 in Hamburg sowie bei den Country Music Awards (CMA) 2009 in der Kategorie Country Rock. Die renommierte Band tourte mehrfach europaweit als Begleitband für die US-Stars Wanda Jackson, Frankie Ford, Buddy Knox, Janis Martin und Vince Everett. Sie spielten als Anheizer für Carl Perkins, Bill Haley’s Comets, Buddy Holly’s Crickets, die Spider Murphy Gang, The Rattles und Tony Sheridan.
Die Münchner Rocker veröffentlichten bisher acht Alben und liefern live ein heißes, “ganz eigenes” Cross-over-Gebräu aus Rock ‘n’ Roll, Rockabilly, Blues, Surf und Cowpunk. Das Repertoire reicht von stilecht arrangierten Covers bis hin zu eigenen Kompositionen im musikalischen Stil amerikanischer Roadmovies. Auch auf dieser CD sind mit den Songs “Rhythm Of The Glitter Balls”, “I Just Came Back For Christmas” und “Tonight” wieder Originale der Band zu hören.
“I enjoy Ty Tender’s almost infinite enthusiasm, something he has kept up
during all the many years of his career. He loves what he does, is full of energy, loves to experiment, and he always puts more than one hundred percent into any work that he does. Rock ‘n’ Roll is his life and is our link together.” Mike Roth
Ty Tender -“The Voice” ist auf den Bühnen der Welt zu Hause und in Linz daheim. So könnte man den charmanten, energiegeladenen und stimmgewaltigen Ty Tender vielleicht am besten beschreiben. Er feierte im Jahr 2010 sein 50-jähriges Bühnenjubiläum und wird nicht müde, seine musikalische Reise fortzusetzen. In all den Jahren gab es keine Show ohne Standing Ovations und brausende Beifallsstürme. Die Liste seiner Erfolge ist lang. Ob Memphis, Nashville oder Las Vegas – in London, Stockholm oder Dubai – Ty Tender singt sich mit Band oder großem Orchester weltweit in die Herzen des Publikums. Wie kein Zweiter interpretiert er unvergessliche Songs und lässt mit seinem außergewöhnlichen Stimmpotential die Legenden des Rock ‘n’ Roll hochleben. Künstler-Kollegen und Medien bewerten “The Voice” immer wieder mit Bestnoten.
Seine CD “2 Billion Elvis Fans Can’t Be Wrong – Always On My Mind” wurde 2007 in Österreich mit GOLD ausgezeichnet. Ty Tender trat im chinesischen TV-Format von
“Wetten dass… (Wanna Challenge…)” in Peking vor über 300 Millionen TV-Zusehern auf, ist offizieller Rock ‘n’ Roll-Botschafter der europäischen Kulturhauptstadt Linz und bekam die Verdienstmedaille des Landes Oberösterreich verliehen.
Zu finden auf allen guten Onlinestores (Amazon, iTunes, Napster, eMusic etc.), incl. Digital Booklet. Unterstützen Sie den Künstler und kaufen Sie die Musik. Copy kills music!
Mike Roth: lead vocals on Rhythm Of The Glitter Balls, All I Want For Christmas Is You, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, Merry Christmas Everyone, Driving Home For Christmas, I Just Came Back For Christmas, Please Come Home For Christmas, Tonight, Let It Snow / duet vocals on (Rockin’) Jingle Bells and Merry Christmas / tambourine, sleigh bells, bells & backing vocals
Rolf Pröpper: guitars, mandolins & backing vocals
Alessandro Brero: drums & backing vocals
Massimiliano Brero: bass
Ty Tender: lead vocals on I’ll Be Home This Christmas, (Swingin’) Silent Night,
Blue Christmas, Here Comes Santa Claus, One (Christmas) Night, Don’t The Girls All Get Prettier ‘Round Christmas Time, Rockin’ Rollin’ Christmas, Run Run Rudolph, Santa Claus Is Back In Town / duet vocals on (Rockin’) Jingle Bells and Merry Christmas
Chris Stepken piano, organ & backing vocals
PRODUCED AND RECORDED by Mike Roth at the Rose Tattoo Recording Studios, Munich
MIXED by Michael Mueller-Jin at the Fat Boy Music Studios, Munich
MASTERED by Frankie Chinasky at the House of Pain, Munich
“Rhythm Of The Glitter Balls”, “I Just Came Back For Christmas”, “Tonight”, Merry Christmas published by Edition Vampirette Publishing.
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© 2012 MCDP International UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Ty Tender
Rockin’ Christmas with Ty Tender – The Voice
The Continentals
Titel: I’ll Be Home This Christmas (featuring Ty Tender)
Titel: Rhythm Of The Glitter Balls
Titel: (Swingin’) Silent Night (featuring Ty Tender)
Titel: Driving Home For Christmas
Titel: One (Christmas) Night (featuring Ty Tender)
Titel: I Just Came Back For Christmas
Titel: Santa Claus Is Back In Town (featuring Ty Tender)
Titel: Tonight
Titel: Merry Christmas (Duet by Ty Tender & Mike Roth)
A Bavarian-Austrian Summit at Christmas time – or something like this – was the smash idea for an album that was to be made together by Ty Tender, Austria’s Rock ‘n’ Roll entertainer number one, and Mike Roth, the lead singer and front man of the Munich-based band “The Continentals”. The two had known each other for years, and enjoyed the occasional joint shows they performed together in Vienna, Linz and Munich. Thus, a joint album seemed to be a great logical next step for both. Ty Tender and Mike Roth first met in January 2010 in the “City of Mozart”, Salzburg, in order to sniff out ideas and to forge close ties for their joint musical plans. Ty Tender was already a huge fan of the CD “Merry Christmas, Baby”, published in 1997 by The Continentals together with U.S. guest star Wanda Jackson, and looked forward to finding a way together with Mike Roth to create something really special. During that meeting, the idea of a jointly produced Christmas album was born, where it was decided that both artists should split the vocal parts. This idea met immediately well with the band members of The Continentals, and the details of the album were subsequently worked out during numerous talks and meetings amongst everyone over the following 6 months. Under the direction of Mike Roth, production of the album began in Munich in the summer of 2010 and continued until the summer of 2011. During this time, Ty and The Continentals grew close together and pulled together what became the essence of a milestone album. Following the motto “Old school meets the wild guys”, the varying influences of all those involved resulted in a colorful Christmas mix of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Rockabilly, Swing, Bar-Jazz and Country-Rock, played and sung with heart and passion.
The result: 20 Xmas Smash Hits – “Best Rockin’ Christmas Of Them All.”
“I was immediately impressed by The Continentals’ first LP, “For You Baby”, made in 1986. Their style of Rock ‘n’ Roll inspired me, impressed me! Our joint work later on stage and in the studio more than confirmed my first impression.” Ty Tender
The Continentals are among the first established German Neo-Rockabilly bands and Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival bands. Since 1980, the Munich-based Elite Combo, with their charismatic front man Mike Roth, have been frequent guests on both, the national and international stages. They have also been involved in studio recordings, radio broadcasts and appearances on German TV as well as participants in cinema and TV films. The Continentals won prizes at the Buddy Holly Song Contest 1996 in Hamburg and at the Country Music Awards (CMA) 2009 in Pullmann City in the category of Country-Rock. The renowned band has toured Europe several times as backing band for U.S. stars like Wanda Jackson, Frankie Ford, Buddy Knox, Janis Martin and Vince Everett. They’ve also played as the warm-up band for Carl Perkins, Bill Haley’s Comets, Buddy Holly’s Crickets, the Spider Murphy Gang, The Rattles, Tony Sheridan and others.
The Munich-based rockers have released eight albums to date and provide at their live shows a hot “completely separate” cross-over-brew of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Rockabilly, Blues, Surf and Cow-Punk. Their repertoire ranges from “stylishly arranged covers”, to their own compositions in the musical style of American road movies. Their original songs “Rhythm Of The Glitter Balls,” “Tonight” and “I Just Came Back For Christmas” can be heard on this CD.
“I enjoy Ty Tender’s almost infinite enthusiasm, something he has kept up
during all the many years of his career. He loves what he does, is full of energy, loves to experiment, and he always puts more than one hundred percent into any work that he does. Rock ‘n’ Roll is his life and is our link together.” Mike Roth
On the world’s stages at home – Ty’s home is in Linz. Ty Tender could be best described as the charming, energetic and the strong-voiced. Although he celebrated his 50 years on stage in 2010, he continues his untiring musical journey. During all his years on stage, there has never been a show of his without standing ovation and thunderous applause. His list of achievements is long. Whether in Memphis, Nashville or Las Vegas – in London, Stockholm or Dubai – Ty Tender sings in the hearts of his audience, both with a band or with a full orchestra. Like no other, he interprets unforgettable songs and celebrates, with his extraordinary voice, the legends of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Fellow artists and the media review “The Voice” again and again with honors.
His CD “2 Billion Elvis Fans Can’t Be Wrong – Always On My Mind” went GOLD in Austria in 2007. Ty Tender appeared in the Chinese TV show “Wanna Challenge …” in Beijing with over 300 million TV viewers. He is the official Rock ‘n’ Roll ambassador of the European Capital of Culture, Linz, and was awarded the Medal of Merit of the Province of Upper Austria.
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