The Woodchoppers: In alter Frische!

The Woodchoppers Vampirette Label

Auf dem Frankfurter Label Vampirette Music lässt er sich noch einmal in alter Frische mit den Woodchoppers musikalisch in dieser Wieder -Veröffentlichung blicken: Super-Rock’n’Roller und Upright-Bass-Akrobat Nick “Carbonara” Bisognano. Live-Bestauner dieser Künstler werden ihre Wichtigkeit nur zu unter streichen wissen, europäischer Roots-Rock’n’Roll und R&B vom Feinsten. Da lauern unsere Gehörgänge auf musikkulinarische Befriedigung durch unseren sizilianischen Super-Koch Nick Carbonara. Let the good times roll!! Nick Bisognano, heute Bandleader von Rockin’ Carbonara, gründete sein Woodchopper Trio 1988 mit seinen Freunden Humphrey (Drums) und Pady (Guitar). Die Band trat in vielen Teilen von Europa auf. Die Band trennte sich 1997. Die Musik ist eine interessante Mischung aus Swing und authentischem Rockabilly, aber auch einige moderne Einflüsse halten Einzug!

The wild gang of musicians surrounding the Sicilian singer and bass player, Nick ‘Carbonara’ Bisognano, is probably one of the most explosive mixtures since the invention of spicy Pasta! When Nick and the guys start their Rock’n’Roll Show, everyone becomes a helpless victim of his unstoppable energy! But that’s not all, what makes this charismatic little Sicilian ‘Bass Maniac’ so special: The performances that he gives with his guys on the stages of the world express the true meaning of Rock’n’Roll: Joy of life, streaming sweat, love, sex, freedom, nostalgia and driving rhythm, just to give a few examples….

Nick Bisognano today’s bandleader of Rockin’ Carbonara founded his Woodchopper trio in 1988 with mates Humphrey hammering on the drums and Pady twanging his guitar. The band was gigging extensively throughout Europe. These guys had greasy hair, duck tails or pompadours: Pady just had a blue cap like the ones of Gene Vincent’s buddies, Humphrey just showed his percussion officer’s muscles, and Nick showed off a duck tail. These guys took hold of the party like all true rocking band may do: it’s loud, it’s funny and even more. Sometimes they paid tribute to the old rockabillies without being trapped in nostalgia. The band splitt in 1997 and had recorded two albums.

This excellent fifteen track Woodchoppers’ CD is now re-released on the Vampirette Music label from Frankfurt/Germany and will be made available to a large audience. The music is a blend of Swing and authentic Rockabilly, but also with some modern influences – quite interesting! With the current line-up “Rockin’ Carbonara” with Arno on the drums and Tamer on the Telecaster, Nick takes the lead on the songs and brings more “joie de vivre” then ever before!

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