Martin Panteleev wurde 1976 in Sofia in eine Musikerfamilie geboren und erhielt mit vier Jahren seinen ersten Geigenunterricht. Während seines Studiums an der National Musikschule “L. Pipkov” gab er schon als Neunjähriger seine ersten Konzerte in ganz Europa als Konzertmeister der Jungen Philharmonie “Pioneer” unter Prof. Vladi Simeonov. Später studierte er neben der Violine noch die Fächer Komponieren und Dirigieren bei Prof. Tekeliev und Prof. Djourov an der Bulgarischen Musikakademie “P. Vladigerov”.
Nach frühen Erfolgen bei Wettbewerben und seinem Dirigentendebüt als 21-jähriger bei der Philharmonie der Nationen begann seine internationale Karriere, die ihn inzwischen zu über 30 verschiedenen Orchestern in der ganzen Welt geführt hat, darunter das Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra, die Berliner Symphoniker, das Netherlands Symphony Orchestra und die Sofia Philharmoniker, wo er seit 2009 staatlicher Dirigent ist. Seine über 500 Aufführungen erlebten ein begeistertes Publikum in den USA, Asien und Europa in Konzertsälen wie der Berliner Philharmonie, dem “Het Concertgebouw” in Amsterdam, der “Forbidden City Concert Hall” in Peking, der “Mechanics Hall” in Worcester, dem Moskauer Konservatorium, dem “Oktiabrskaia” Palast in Kiev, der “Bulgaria Hall” in Sofia und an vielen anderen bedeutenden Orten.
Panteleev’s Repertoire ist äußerst umfangreich – so hat er bereits die wichtigsten Werke von allen großen Komponisten aufgeführt. Auch die Zusammenarbeit mit lebenden Komponisten in seiner Heimat Bulgarien dokumentiert sein Interesse an der Erweiterung des Repertoires. Trotz seiner intensiven Tätigkeit als Dirigent hat die Kammermusik in Martin Panteleev’s Schaffen eine wichtige Bedeutung: Bei internationalen Festivals und in renommierten Sälen musiziert er regelmäßig mit seiner Ehefrau Lida Panteleev.
Im Jahr 2001 gründeten die beiden Künstler das Festival “Kammermusiktage Barth” in Barth an der Ostsee. Auch als Komponist erlebte Panteleev weltweit Erfolge. Für seine drei Sinfonien und weitere Werke, die in Deutschland, China und Bulgarien uraufgeführt worden sind, bekam er im Jahr 2006 den Ehrenpreis des Bulgarischen Kulturministeriums.

The famous violinist, conductor and composer was born in 1976 in Sofia to a family of musicians. He started studying the violin at the age of four. Panteleev graduated the National Academy of Music Prof. Pantcho Vladigerov from the class of Prof. J. Radionoff and later completed the master classes of Prof. Zachar Bron in Hamburg and Prof. Yfrah Neaman in Mainz and London. Simultaneously Panteleev was working with the prominent Bulgarian composer and conductor Prof. Vassil Kazandjiev in Sofia.
In 1995 Panteleev won second prize for composition and the special prize for his performance of a work by Schubert at the international competition Earth and People in Sofia. In 1999 he became Associate Conductor at the Philharmonia of the Nations founded by Leonard Bernstein and Justus Frantz. With this orchestra he gave many concerts in USA, China, Russia and Germany. The same year Justus Frantz conducted the world premiere of Panteleev’s Symphony No.1. The symphony was performed in Berlin, Frankfurt and at the Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival and Panteleev was awarded the Davidoff Prix for this work. The premiere of his symphonic poem Two, followed by a CD record was in 2000 at the Festival of the Nations in Bad Wörishofen, Germany the world premiere of his Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra took place in 2001 in Beijing, where it was performed by percussionist Li Biao with the Beijing Symphony Orchestra under conductor Lihua Tan.
In August 2001 Panteleev performed as soloist concertos by J. Sibelius and M. Bruch at the Rheingau Musik Festival and MDR Musik Sommer in Germany. In 2002 Panteleev founded the annual chamber music festival Kammermusik Tage in Barth, Germany.
In 2003 he performed the Triple Concerto by Beethoven at the George Enescu International festival in Bucharest, Romania with Mario Brunello, Derek Han and the Camerata Salzburg. During the same year he conducted the premiere of his Symphony No.3 at the Festival of the Nations in Bad Wörishofen, Germany and recorded his Symphony No.1 and Symphony No.3 with the Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra. At that time he became a member of the Union of Bulgarian Composers. For his compositions and concert activities around the world in 2005 Panteleev was awarded a special prize from the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and the Union of Bulgarian Composers.
Panteleev’s debut as conductor with the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra was a highly acclaimed performance of G. Mahler’s Symphony No.1 in 2004. Since 2006 he is regular guest-conductor and from October 2009 he is conductor of the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra.
Martin Panteleev has worked as conductor with such orchestras as: Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra, Schleswig-Holstein Symphony Orchestra, Orquesta Symphonica di Lecce, Netherlands Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia of the Nations, Ukraine National Symphony Orchestra. He has toured with the Sofia Festival Orchestra in the Netherlands and the USA. In October 2007 Martin Panteleev performed at the opening of the season of the Berliner Symphoniker at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall.
Among the numerous tour invitations for the coming season, some of those that stand out are by the Berliner Symphoniker and the Cape Town Philharmonic orchestra (South Africa).
In June 2010 Martin Panteleev is to perform with the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra at the international music festival in Klagenfurt, Austria.
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