In unserer Recording & Sound Library recherchieren Sie Detailinformationen zu unseren Master rights (Bandrechten). Klicken Sie hierzu auf das rote Lautsprechersymbol. Zu ausgewählten Titeln hören Sie Soundbeispiele. Über den blauen Pin erhalten Sie weitere Informationen zu den Publishing rights (Verlagsrechten). Innerhalb der Datenbankanzeige können Sie zwischen Master rights (rotes R) und Publishing rights (blaues P) wechseln.
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MCDP International UG is a member of the GEMA. All rights reserved. nauthorised copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance, internet downloading and broadcasting prohibited. You do not have authority to copy, reproduce or otherwise use MCDP Content to inform, train, develop or otherwise use such content in connection with artificial intelligence or machine intelligence technologies or services (including for research or product development); or as input to any artificial intelligence or machine intelligence technology or services. You do not have authority to grant rights to, or otherwise permit, any affiliates or third parties to use MCDP Content for such purposes. All Trade Marks and logos are protected.
© MCDP International UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
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