Big Bad Shakin’: In The Summertime 2009

Passend zum Sommer: Big Bad Shakin’ mit ihrem neuesten Video “In The Summertime”. Nicht zuletzt der “Massenansturm” von “Fans” am Ende dieses Sommervideos hat Witz und Charme mit einem Schuss Selbstironie. Klasse. Let’s Rock and Roll. Big Bad Shakin’ ist eine Band mit Potential. Watch out for new releases……..

Erstmal in Fahrt, rollen die vier blendend aussehenden Berliner bedrohlich los wie ein Kettcar mit durchschnittenen Bremsleitungen.
Scharf gewürztes Piano, deftiges Gitarrengebratze, delikates Schlagzeuggerumpel, pikantes Basswummern, altes Kettenfett im Haupthaar – Rock to the rhythm, swing to the skate, and shake your hips to sharp shootin’ BIG BAD SHAKIN’ – the inventors of Rockin’ Cartoon Pop.

The original version of this song was by a band called Mungo Jerry who were previously known as ‘The Good Earth’ and they were a sort of ‘country blues’ band. The band could not have been prepared for the astonishing impact that ‘IN THE SUMMERTIME’ would have on the music world. It raced to number 1 just a fortnight after it’s May 1970 release, remained there for an impressive SEVEN WEEKS, and became the year’s best selling single, with the band suddenly in demand all over the world and appearing on countless television and radio shows.
They accidentally got booked into a rock’n’roll club around 1975 and looking like a bunch of hippies were gonna get beaten up, but when they started playing, the crowd of Teds went mad for them, because they were so good and knew some rock’n’roll and rockabilly. They had a double bass and a jug! This was in a pub called The Borthcote Arms, and there’s a song about it on one of their early albums. Some of there other stuff 1s rock’n’roll.

Mungo Jerry
Mungo Jerry Biography

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